16 Mar RMHC Volunteer Update Regarding COVID-19
March 16, 2020
As you know, we are facing uncertain times. I want you to know that we are open and are continuing to serve families who are in the Valley receiving medical treatment for their children. They need us now more than ever.
In an abundance of caution, particularly because many of the children staying at the Valley’s three Ronald McDonald Houses® are impacted by compromised immune systems, we are temporarily changing protocols for dinner groups and volunteers.
We are taking these steps to safeguard the health and safety of our families by reducing the number of people on our campuses. As of today, Monday, March 16, 2020 and through the end of April, 2020, we are suspending all dinner groups and volunteers/volunteer groups at our three Houses. We’re asking groups scheduled to provide dinners to consider contributing funds so we can order dinner in and continue to serve healthy balanced meals to our families.
Keeping families safe and healthy, allowing them the opportunity to rest after a long day at the hospital, and providing healthy meals allows families to take care of themselves so that they can continue to focus on and care for their children.
We remain so very grateful for the overwhelming support of our dinner program and will be sure that our families know who is providing the meals each evening. We estimate the cost to serve families dinner at our Roanoke House to be $350 per night and the cost to serve families at our Cambridge and Dobson Houses to be $250 per night.
If you are interested, please visit rmhccnaz.org/meals to donate.
As you know, we have already put in place strict cleaning and sanitizing-based policies and procedures and we continue monitoring announcements, recommendations and direction from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Arizona Department of Health Services, Maricopa County Department of Health and our partners at Eco Lab.
As the situation changes, we will modify, adapt and update our plans and strategies and will provide you with regular and appropriate updates.
Please know how much your ongoing support and understanding means to our families, our staff and our board.
Please contact RMHC olunteer Manager Adam Smith at asmith@rmhccnaz.org or me know if you have any questions.
With gratitude,

Kerry Schulman
Chief Executive Officer