Ways to Help
Help us help even more families in need
There are several ways, both big and small, that you can make a big difference for families at Ronald McDonald House Charities®. Every simple gesture helps make our “home-away-from-home” a place of comfort and hope.

Our Adopt-A-Room donors also play a critical role in the updating and ongoing maintenance of the House by providing welcoming and comforting spaces for families.

Arizona Tax Credit
Under the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit Law (ARS43-1088), donations to Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central and Northern Arizona qualify for the Credit for Donations Made to Qualifying Charitable Organizations program in Arizona.

Car Donation
Do you have an old car, boat, truck or RV you no longer use? The RMHC vehicle donation program is a quick and easy way to make a huge impact for families during challenging times. The average car donation provides 7 nights of rest for families staying at the House.

Collect Pop Tabs
Collecting aluminum pop tabs is a great example of how something small can add up to make a BIG difference for families at RMHC.

Your gift will help ensure all families continue to find a “home-away-from-home” at RMHC while seeking medical care for an ill or injured child.

Donor Advised Funds
Learn about a simple, flexible and tax-efficient way to give to RMHCCNAZ.

Employer Matching Gifts
You can double your donation if your employer has a matching gift program and will match any charitable contributions made by their employees.

Host A Fundraiser
Consider hosting a Community Fundraiser with your friends or co-workers, such as special events and promotions to support children and their families who are staying at RMHC.

Monthly Donor Program
Monthly giving is the most convenient and effective way to provide consistent help to communities. Become a member of our Hearts of Hope Monthly Giving Program to help carry out our mission every day and make a big impact all year round.

Wish List
You can help families staying at our Houses by donating need supplies from our Wish List. It’s easy to purchase online or drop off at the House.

Workplace Giving
Workplace Giving Campaigns empower you to help the communities where you live and work by automatically deducting voluntary donations from your payroll on a one-time or recurring basis.

Combined Federal Campaign
The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) enables Federal employees and retirees to come together to raise money and volunteer for their favorite charities. If you are a Federal employee or retiree, consider giving to Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central and Northern Arizona.