Home / Dunn Family

Hello RMHC Supporter,

It’s hard to believe we’re in the final days of 2023. As I reflect on the highlights of my year, I can’t help but also think about the tough road many families faced. I especially think of the Dunn family who stayed with us at Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central and Northern Arizona for 208 nights.

Their journey with us began when baby Atticus was born in January at 24 weeks and 4 days, weighing only 1 pound, 4 ounces. He didn’t spend the first months of his life in his lovingly prepared nursery at home in Gilbert, Arizona. Instead, he spent his first 196 days in the NICU at Phoenix Children’s.

As a mom of three myself, I can’t imagine the heartache that Atticus’ mom, Jennifer, went through during this time. But I do find comfort in knowing that Jennifer and her husband Alastair were able to remain close by his side for each of those nights as guests at Ronald McDonald House.

 “I’m convinced that if I didn’t have the option to stay at Ronald McDonald House, he probably wouldn’t be here today,” mom Jennifer shared with gratitude. “I believe that with all of my heart.”

Although Atticus grows stronger every day, his parents know they are not out of the woods yet. Still, they are filled with gratitude for the support they continue to receive from Ronald McDonald House, making it possible for them to be by their son’s side during his most critical moments.

“The first thing I said to him was that I loved him with all my heart,” Jennifer said remembering the first time she met her son, “And that I was going to fight with him with all my heart.”

When you donate to the House, you are giving families the crucial support they need to overcome insurmountable obstacles. You give families courage, hope, and the fight they need to bring their children home healthy. Most of all, your gifts ensure family togetherness when togetherness means more than ever.

Cap off 2023 by making a tax credit gift* to Ronald McDonald House Charities® of Central and Northern Arizona today. I promise you that it will make all the difference to a family like the Dunns.

With gratitude,

Kerry Schulman
Chief Executive Officer

P.S. Because of donor generosity, the Dunns found their “home-away-from-home” at Ronald McDonald House for 208 nights. Pass on the gift of togetherness by making a tax credit* donation to the House today.


Gifts to Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central and Northern Arizona of up to $421/individual or $841/couple are eligible for a dollar-for-dollar tax credit on your 2023 Arizona state tax filings. Learn more here.