Parents Laurel and Tyler Webb from Lake Havasu City recently experienced a life-changing and life-saving situation with the birth of their son Hudson. Laurel began to feel discomfort on a Thursday while she was at work. She tried walking, standing, and adjusting her seat but...

"The families we serve, my fellow Big Macs, and the RMHCCNAZ staff keep me coming back. The appreciation from the families is heartwarming, my fellow Dinnertime Heroes always make it a fun to serve, and the RMHCCNAZ staff is inspirational."...

"My advice is to get involved and you just might be surprised that not only do you have an opportunity to give, but you might actually be on the receiving end. And let me tell you, it will be LIFE CHANGING."...

"Every time you volunteer, you will see for yourself the families that RMHC serves. It is such a warm and loving place that you will want to be even a small part of it! You will feel blessed to meet the sweet families and help...

“It was devastating.” That was the emotion that overwhelmed mom Elaine when doctors told her that her newborn son Atticus would not be able to make the journey home to Mayer, Arizona. Atticus was born with three holes in his heart....