21 May Baby Hudson Gets to Fly Before He Crawls
Parents Laurel and Tyler Webb from Lake Havasu City recently experienced a life-changing and life-saving situation with the birth of their son Hudson. Laurel began to feel discomfort on a Thursday while she was at work. She tried walking, standing, and adjusting her seat but she still felt discomfort. She could feel a few days prior that the baby had dropped into position, making everyone a bit nervous as it was 12 weeks early. The next morning, Laurel began to have contractions around five minutes apart. This was expected as she had experienced preterm labor before, nevertheless she went to the hospital and was administered a shot to help stop early labor. BY Saturday she was feeling much better and even went to a yard sale with Tyler and their two-year-old daughter Nova. Suddenly, she began to get contractions five minutes apart and was rushed back to the hospital where she was administered more medication to help prevent labor. She was released from the hospital that evening and went home to rest. However, in the night her contractions began again with severity and consistency. Tyler called an ambulance, and they quickly got Laurel to the hospital.
In the ambulance, Laurel’s water broke. A short ride later they reached the hospital and as she was rushed down the hallway before she could go to labor and delivery her son Hudson was born weighing just 2 lbs. 15 oz. The staff quickly rushed Hudson away to begin administering care while Laurel was placed in a room to recover. After resting for only an hour, she was up and eager to check on her son while Tyler coordinated a friend to watch their daughter. Hudson was struggling to survive and at one point he coded and was resuscitated by hospital staff. Unfortunately, the hospital in Lake Havasu did not have the equipment to sustain such a premature baby. Thanks to the dedication of one nurse to use a Bag Valve Mask (a hand pump oxygen to patients who are not breathing on their own) for four hours Hudson was able to stay alive until more help arrived.
After his surprise arrival, the hospital staff quickly began calling large hospitals better equipped for premature babies. Thankfully, Phoenix answered the call, and he was airlifted away to receive life-saving care. Laurel and Tyler quickly followed, traveling to Phoenix by car to see their new son. They didn’t know where they would stay or what they would do once they arrived but were quickly referred to Ronald McDonald House. They didn’t know what to expect, but upon arriving they were amazed to find a nice apartment, kitchen, and family room where they could stay while their baby recovered. A safe place with warm meals and the comfort of home helped this family thrive while they supported baby Hudson.

“It meant everything to us because it opened up a home to all of us,” said Laurel. “I don’t think my son would have progressed as well because he wouldn’t have heard us, he wouldn’t have seen us, he wouldn’t have gotten the snuggle time.”
Hudson was treated for premature birth and respiratory distress. He began to grow quickly and was able to get off of oxygen and a feeding tube within two months. He is already babbling and can’t wait to talk to his parents.
“If it wasn’t for Ronald McDonald House things would have progressed a whole lot slower and it would have been a nonstop emotional rollercoaster,” she said. “The thought of only seeing Hudson on the weekends due to the long distance and financial burden was devastating.”
Peace of mind and keeping the family together in their home-away-from-home provided a strong start for baby Hudson.