Annie and Brian found themselves in uncharted territory when their newborn son Elliot was air evacuated to Phoenix Children’s Hospital from their home in Yuma, Arizona at only four days old. Far from their support system, Ronald McDonald House became an immediate refuge for the...

Instead of playing on her volleyball team back home on the Navajo Nation in northeast Arizona, 15-year-old Martisha’s schedule revolves around three-hour dialysis treatments five days a week. Diagnosed with kidney failure at the age of six that has since led to heart failure, she...

What started as leg pain and a fever suddenly grew much more concerning for Cassidy’s 11-year-old daughter Jaida after the symptoms prompted doctors to send the family directly to Phoenix, over 400 miles from their home in Littlefield, in northwest Arizona. Shortly after, Jaida was...

At age four, Karin from Chino Valley, Arizona was diagnosed with a genetic deletion and duplication in her DNA. The one-in-a-million diagnosis has since resulted in countless trips to Phoenix for medical appointments. After over 200 visits to the House in a span of 11...

“Alfonso loves being the center of attention,” mom Delia said of her 11-year-old son. But right now, that attention is focused on his recovery. After mysterious bruises began appearing in November, doctors discovered Alfonso’s bone marrow had shut down, a condition called severe aplastic anemia....

The night before his diagnosis, 6-year-old Tanner from Tucson, Arizona was doing one of his favorite things – playing soccer. But the normalcy he once enjoyed changed drastically when a CT scan uncovered a golf-ball-sized tumor in his brain called medulloblastoma....

“She likes to hold hands already,” Brian says of his adopted daughter, Margaret. “She’s adorable.” The connection was immediate between Margaret and her new parents Brian and Jennifer, both military officers stationed in Yuma, Arizona....

After an anxious four-hour drive from Bullhead City, Arizona, the Hemphill family felt a sense of relief when they walked through the doors of Ronald McDonald House of Phoenix. “We made it home in time for dinner,” said Chaz, mother of three-year-old Nolan....

As a healthy 14-year-old, Austin loves NASCAR, basketball and swimming competitively, so it was a shock to his family when a doctor’s appointment in December turned into something much less routine. Since birth, Austin had lived healthily with a dimple in his chest, a condition...

Just like many little girls, Dareece loves painting her nails and doing girly things. But what makes Dareece’s story different from other kids her age is that she spent her sixth birthday in the hospital being treated for cancer....